Student Vote is an authentic learning program that provides students with the opportunity to experience the voting process firsthand and practice the habits of active and informed citizenship.

Program Info


Register your school

The program is open to all schools and there is no cost to participate. Schools may offer Student Vote to a single class or engage the entire student body in the program.


Receive materials

Registered schools are provided with a variety of learning materials, including lesson plans, slide decks, videos and online activities, as well as ballots and ballot boxes. All materials are available in English and French.


Engage with the campaign

Using experiential learning tools and strategies, students explore government and the election process, investigate the parties and candidates, and engage in discussion with their peers and families.

Student Vote Day

Student Vote Day

Students vote for the official election candidates running in their school’s electoral division. The results are shared publicly and with the media after the close of the official polls.

Highlights from the 2019 Election

“The Student Vote program is some of the most valuable and relevant learning that takes place in the classroom. The engagement and discussion encouraged by this program, both in the classroom and at home with parents, is unprecedented.”