Overall Results Results by Electoral Division

Results by Electoral Division


Vote Count

Results by Candidate

Elected Candidate Political Party Vote Count Vote %
Chandra Arya Liberal Party of Canada 1,359 36.36%
Sean Devine New Democratic Party 1,006 26.91%
Matt Triemstra Conservative Party of Canada 790 21.13%
Gordon Kubanek Green Party of Canada 395 10.57%
Jay Nera People's Party of Canada 188 5.03%

Participating Schools

School Name(Click to view results) Ballots Requested Vote Count
194th Nepean Brownies 24 0
Adrienne Clarkson Elementary School 75 91
Barrhaven Public School 190 144
Bell High School 55 39
Bell High School (Intermediate) 300 195
Bells Corners Public School 150 54
Berrigan Elementary School 75 68
Blessed Carlo Virtual School 150 49
Chapman Mills Public School 60 101
Cox Homeschool 4 0
École élémentaire catholique Pierre-Elliott-Trudeau 48 34
École élémentaire catholique Sainte-Kateri 120 94
École élémentaire publique Michaëlle-Jean 35 29
École secondaire catholique Pierre-Savard 27 23
École secondaire publique Pierre-de-Blois 200 63
Farley Mowat Public School 200 89
Half Moon Bay Public School 450 218
Jockvale Elementary School 180 108
John McCrae Secondary School 1,400 1,050
Knoxdale Public School 210 0
Longfields Davidson Heights Secondary School 200 0
Monsignor Paul Baxter School 75 34
Ottawa Carleton Virtual 2,000 217
Ottawa Christian School 25 21
Sir Robert Borden High School 200 601
St John XXIII School 150 0
St. Cecilia School 120 96
St. Elizabeth Ann Seton School 65 66
St. Luke School 180 155
St. Patrick School 85 99