Overall Results Results by Electoral Division

Results by Electoral Division


Vote Count

Results by Candidate

Elected Candidate Political Party Vote Count Vote %
John Barlow Conservative Party of Canada 3,481 53.70%
Michelle Traxel New Democratic Party 1,113 17.17%
Daniel Hunter People's Party of Canada 617 9.52%
Paula Shimp Liberal Party of Canada 518 7.99%
Brett Rogers Green Party of Canada 470 7.25%
Josh Wylie Maverick Party 283 4.37%

Participating Schools

School Name(Click to view results) Ballots Requested Vote Count
Big Rock Elementary 200 78
Blackie School 100 42
Brant Christian School 160 80
C. Ian McLaren School 90 66
Canyon Elementary School 60 31
Cayley Colony School 19 19
Crowsnest Consolidated High School 210 210
École Senator Riley 360 293
Elbow Valley Elementary 30 23
F.P. Walshe High School 450 266
Foothills Composite High/Alberta High School of Fine Arts 1,000 718
Good Shepherd School 150 108
Heritage Heights School 225 136
Highwood High School 450 370
Holy Spirit Academy 85 65
Holy Trinity Academy 450 335
Home School at Nobleford 2 0
Hub@Home 100 0
Isabelle Sellon Elementary School 54 37
J.T. Foster School 240 132
John Paul II Collegiate 850 215
Livingstone School 130 0
Matthew Halton High School 100 53
Meadow Ridge School 220 160
Millarville Community School 80 61
Notre Dame Collegiate 550 302
Oilfields High School 390 271
Parkland Colony School 15 10
Red Deer Lake School 230 181
Spitzee Elementary School 60 0
Spring Glen Junior High School 85 29
Springbank Community High School 750 608
Springbank Middle School 500 482
St. Francis of Assisi Academy 190 151
St. Lukes Outreach Centre 35 0
St. Marys School 100 95
Stavely School 60 18
Strathcona-Tweedsmuir School 700 425
Summit West Independent School 30 0
Tanbridge Academy 160 116
Westmount School 100 62
Willow Creek Composite High School 300 234