Agnes G. Hodge Elementary School
100 |
0 |
Assumption College School
1,700 |
940 |
Banbury Heights Elementary School
200 |
0 |
Blessed Carlo Acutis Continuing Education School
1 |
1 |
Braemar House School
46 |
0 |
Brantford Christian School
21 |
19 |
Brantford Collegiate Institute & Vocational School
1,100 |
474 |
Centennial-Grand Woodlands Elementary School
100 |
0 |
Central Baptist Academy
20 |
0 |
Christ the King Catholic Elementary School
110 |
80 |
Dufferin Elementary School
22 |
19 |
École Confédération
300 |
179 |
École élémentaire catholique Ste-Marguerite-Bourgeoys
50 |
21 |
Glen Morris Central Elementary School
4 |
4 |
Grandview Elementary School
90 |
19 |
Holy Family Catholic Elementary School
115 |
96 |
March Academy - Brantford
5 |
0 |
North Ward Elementary School
220 |
176 |
Notre Dame Catholic Elementary School
30 |
25 |
Oakland-Scotland Elementary School
24 |
23 |
Our Lady of Providence Catholic Elementary School
285 |
0 |
Resurrection Catholic Elementary School
80 |
57 |
Russell Reid Coronation School
205 |
127 |
Ryerson Heights Elementary
90 |
0 |
Sacred Heart Catholic Elementary School
60 |
0 |
St. Basil Elementary School
240 |
0 |
St. Johns College
1,250 |
0 |
St. Patrick Catholic Elementary School
55 |
61 |
St. Theresa Catholic Elementary School
27 |
0 |
W. Ross Macdonald
15 |
8 |