
Registered schools will receive a Student Vote Election Manual, ballot boxes, voting screens and ballots.

The Student Vote Election Manual is intended to help guide you through Student Vote Day. You will find suggestions on how to operate the parallel election within your school and guidelines for reporting your results.

Submitting Your Results

You can choose to hold your Student Vote Day for the 2024 Saskatchewan provincial election on any day leading up to and including election day.

Please report your results to CIVIX by 4:00 p.m. CST on Monday, October 28.

Adhering to the reporting deadline is necessary in order for CIVIX to include your school’s totals in the final results shared on election night. Afterwards, the results will be updated daily with any submissions received after the deadline.

The Student Vote Saskatchewan results will include the province-wide seat count and popular vote for each party, results by electoral district and individual school tallies.


All schools must keep their Student Vote results confidential until the end of voting on election day. Student election officials should be sworn to secrecy.