Overall Results Results by Electoral District

Results by School

École secondaire catholique Sainte-Marie-Rivier

Vote Count

Electoral District Candidate Political Party Vote Count Vote %
Kingston and the Islands SHALEA BECKWITH Ontario Party 4 4.04%
Kingston and the Islands GARY BENNETT PC Party of Ontario 9 9.09%
Kingston and the Islands LAUREL CLAUS JOHNSON Consensus 2 2.02%
Kingston and the Islands SHELLEY JOANNE GALLOWAY Independent 1 1.01%
Kingston and the Islands MARY RITA HOLLAND Ontario NDP/NPD 32 32.32%
Kingston and the Islands TED HSU Ontario Liberal Party 27 27.27%
Kingston and the Islands STEPHEN SKYVINGTON New Blue 2 2.02%
Kingston and the Islands ZACHARY TYPHAIR Green Party of Ontario 12 12.12%
Kingston and the Islands SEBASTIAN VAILLANCOURT Communist 10 10.10%

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